The Kinship Perspective

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Spreafico Farms, San Luis Obisbo || Colton & Kelly’s Wedding

Quarantine has me looking over old wedding images, (because people! and friends!), and re-editing just for fun. It’s so interesting to see how my editing style has changed and evolved as I’ve grown. Also these two gorgeous people had their FOURTH YEAR wedding anniversary this past week! Congratulations guys- where does the time go?

Man, time flies! Two of the gent’s in this photo above now have babies (at the time of this photo none of them did, they were barely married!), and the little guy in the green bow tie? He’s fourteen! You know what doesn’t change though? Friendship and style. The groom in his custom suit from The Ascot Shop totally gets me, he’s never going out of style.

And these pretty bridesmaids? They are still friends- I know because I ran into one of them at a resturant a few months ago and she mentioned the others. Goodness it’s good to have a girl tribe around you on your wedding day.

All the happy tears, and this, classic rolling hills. San Luis Obispo does weddings right and Spreafice Farms is the best little venue! Or sctually big venue. Huge. These two were married at the top of a hill with gorgeous open space behind them and then walked down hand in hand to the raddest hipster barn reception. It was pretty fantastic.

(also that dress!!! Way to go White Flower Bridal Boutique!!)

Three images taken while they were stolen away for a few minutes in Spreafico’s jeep to catch the sunset- their guests never missed them and they got a precious few minutes alone. Perfection.

Vendor Love:

Venue- Spreafico Farms

Photography- The Kinship Perspective

Dress- White Flower Bridal Boutique

Groom’s Tux- The Ascot Shop

Flowers- Open Air Flowers